Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr pdf

It involves the systematic regeneration and management of trees and shrubs from tree stumps, roots and seeds. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a lowcost land restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers by increasing food and timber production and resilience to climate extremes. The social, environmental and economic benefits of farmer. Currently, wv is implementing fmnr in more than 36 districts across the country in 5. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr a good news story.

How farmers in africa are restoring degraded lands and. The farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr hub within world vision australias food security and climate change team leads and fosters the development of fmnr globally through coordination, collaboration, communication, building evidence and science, and project fundraising. Maradi case study a close look at most farmers fields in the maradi region shows they produce a massive number of regrowth shoots from underground tree stumps each year. Case study prepared for dp602 skills for the field, developed in collaboration with the regis university development practice graduate programmasters in development practice mdp and ieee smart village. Today, farmer managed natural regeneration in one form or another is a standard farming practice. The second example is a farmermanaged process of natural regeneration, using improved, local agroforestry practices over an estimated 5 million hectares in southern niger. The development of farmer managed natural regeneration the. Declining agricultural productivity, land clearance and climate change are compounding the vulnerability of already marginal rural populations in west africa. Promoting restoration through farmermanaged natural. The talensi farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr project helps farmers and families restore natural resources in order to address the problem of the hunger gap in talensi. Fmnr mitigates effects of drought in ethiopia farmer.

How climatesmart is farmer managed natural regeneration. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a mouthful to say, just as it seems theres no end to its definition. By year 4 5, the stem which has been left is of considerable size and is making a significant contribution to the environment and agricultural system. Additionally, rehabilitation appears to have recharged local wells. Farmermanaged natural regeneration how to regenerate pasture and farmland on a low budget faqs about fmnr what is farmermanaged natural regeneration. Restored water well in humbo, south ethiopia, 2015. The case for farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr. Farmer managed natural regeneration how to regenerate pasture and farmland on a low budget faqs about fmnr what is farmer managed natural regeneration. Nov 17, 2015 restored water well in humbo, south ethiopia, 2015. Land degradation and farmer managed natural regeneration.

The spontaneous scaleup of fmnr in malawi has been driven by many factors, including declining soil fertility and agricultural production. Farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr world future. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr a good news. Farmer managed natural regeneration farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a lowcost land restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers by increasing food and timber production and resilience to climate extremes.

The term farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr was coined by the author and a colleague at usaidniger in niamey in 199091 following a field visit. The case for farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr in the upper west region of ghana an economics of land degradation study carried out in the framework of the reversing land degradation in africa by scalingup evergreen agriculture project january 2019. Pdf farmermanaged natural regeneration enhances rural. Farmer managed natural regeneration landscape portal. It can be used wherever there are living tree stumps with the ability to coppice. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a simple concept of systematically regenerating mainly tree. The method is simple to execute, yet maintains an optimal balance between. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a technique to regreen drylands on a large scale at minimal cost while improving livelihoods of people. Building resilience to climate change through farmer managed. Farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr in niger climate. Fmnr is a lowcost land regeneration system as it is based on managing the regrowth of living tree stumps that constitute a vast underground forest that is ready to grow.

In fact, an indicator of the extent of the change that has occurred is that a farmer is much more likely to be ridiculed today for not practicing fmnr than for practicing it. Farmer managed natural regeneration is an innovative reforestation method which involves selecting and managing trees that regrow off stumps of previously felled trees or grow from natural seed banks in the soil. Introduction to farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr hub. Overview of research on farmer managed natural regeneration farmer managed natural regeneration involves regeneration of trees on farms, where. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr phase ii project. Effects of local institutions on the adoption of agroforestry. Tony rinaudo presents an excellent introduction to the farmer managed natural regeneration project model fmnr pm of the agriculturefood security community of practice in world vision. The method is simple to execute, yet maintains an optimal balance between farmers objectives and capabilities, and the lands capacity and resources, which enables local ecosystems to flourish over time. Farmermanaged natural regeneration food security and. The study then outlines potential challenges in meeting the identified gaps and recommends next steps to guide further evaluation and measurement. Sep 24, 2008 the method of reforestation that developed is called farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr. The method of reforestation that developed is called farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr.

World resources institute 2011 a compilation of green economy policies, programs, and initiatives from around the. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is the systematic regeneration of trees from tree stumps, roots or naturally growing seedlings. Farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr is a lowcost, sustainable land restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers in developing countries by increasing food and timber production, and resilience to climate extremes. Farmer managed natural regeneration is the practice of recognising, selecting and pruning stems which sprout from the stumps of felled trees. Fmnr is a lowcost land regeneration system as it is based on managing the regrowth of living tree stumps that constitute a.

Our paper aims to fill this gap by 1 assessing how the existing local formal and informal institutions affect farmer fmnr practices and, 2 evaluating the benefits of such practices on food production, rural income and caloric intakes and diet. The practice is initiated when a farmer decides to protect and allow tree stumps to grow on their farms. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr, an agroforestry practice involving the managed natural regeneration of ligneous plant species by farmers in their fields, has been included in several projects in southcentral niger. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a rapid, low cost and easily replicated approach to restoring and improving agricultural, forested and pasture lands. Enhancing agroforestry landscapes and food security in. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr hub is the the goto destination about this innovative approach to beating hunger through restoring dry lands. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a quick, affordable and easytoreplicate way of restoring and improving agricultural, forested and pasture lands. A community forum for people to share ideas and stories about afforestation through farmer and pastoralist. The second example is a farmer managed process of natural regeneration, using improved, local agroforestry practices over an estimated 5 million hectares in southern niger. Farmer managed natural regeneration involves selecting. This brief is intended for projectlevel practitioners extension agents, farmer trainers, leaders of. More than 30 per cent of the earths surface is dry or. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr, a set of practices farmers use to foster the growth of indigenous trees on agricultural land, has drawn substantial attention as a contributing factor to a trend of increasing vegetation greenness in the republic of niger. Farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr of trees made headlines several years ago when 5 million hectares of niger were found to have regreened via the practice.

The development of farmer managed natural regeneration. Farmermanaged natural regeneration world agroforestry centre. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr phase ii project in the talensi cluster. How to regenerate pasture and farmland on a low budget. It has already done so in the republic of niger, one of the worlds poorest nations, where more than 3 million hectares have been revegetated using this method. During the third quarter of fy17 the project focused its activities on establishing fmnr practices in new communities and improving natural resource management. Excess shoots are then cut and side branches trimmed to half way up the stems. A 2009 article reported that the first five million hectares regreened in niger with farmermanaged natural regeneration, then home to more than 14 million people, produced at least 500,000 additional tonnes of food per year, enough to feed 2. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a lowcost, sustainable land restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers in developing countries by increasing food and timber production, and resilience to climate extremes. This paper identifies drivers of fmnr adoption and assesses its impacts on rural households in the region of maradi, niger, an. It has already done so in the republic of niger, one of the worlds poorest. It is something that can be implemented relatively quickly with a low budget and have a great impact. Farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr is an approach to arable land restoration and reforestation that seeks to reconcile sustained food production, conservation of soils and protection of biodiversity. Fmnr is a simple technique whereby farmers leave a certain number of shoots per stump and a certain number of stumps per.

Global farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr, 1983. Farmer managed natural uganda regeneration project fmnr. The conference on farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr on 7 and 8 april 2014 was a landmark event that will start a land regeneration movement in timorleste and across south east asia. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a lowcost, simple, sustainable land regeneration practice that communities can use to restore their land, increase their productivity, and build resilience relatively quickly and effectively. Tony rinaudo has been appointed a member am of the order of australia. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is an approach to arable land restoration and reforestation that seeks to reconcile sustained food production, conservation of soils, and protection of. Farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr is a quick, affordable and easytoreplicate way of restoring and improving agricultural, forested and pasture lands. Fmnr is also a tree management practice, involving selection, pruning, protection, and maintenance. This and more is farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr, a simple tree management technique developed in 1984 in. The propensity score with continuous treatments was used to assess the effects of a set of covariates on fmnr as well as the impacts of that practice on income, cereal.

Third quarter fy17 ghana niger mali cote liberia divoire accra nigeria benin. Farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr is an approach to arable land restoration and reforestation that seeks to reconcile sustained food production. A discussion with world visions tony rinaudo, world resources institutes robert winterbottom and other experts on farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr a key strategy for restoring degraded lands, achieving food security, and enriching rural areas. The malawi study focused on farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr approaches because of their lowcost nature and few constraints. Each year, live tree stumps sprout multiple shoots. Farmer managed natural regeneration is a lowcost land restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers by increasing food and timber production and resilience to climate extremes. Fmnr was developed with farmers by the ngo world vision as a distinct. Updates from the fmnr network in uganda 2nd january, 2019. Building resilience to climate change through farmer. Fmnr provides a quick and cheap option for reforestation, in the face of high costs of tree seedlings as well as poor survival of planted tree annual report 2014 seedlings. Iucn is supporting farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr to implementing forest landscape restoration flr in three districts in the aswa catchment area in northern uganda.

Beginning in the 1980s, a new method of reforestation, farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr, became an increasingly popular solution to the rapid deforestation problem. In practice, fmnr involves the systematic regrowth and management of trees and. Regrowing felled trees helps rural communities protect their fragile ecosystems, improves crop production, and provides timber, fuel, fodder, fruits. It involves selecting and protecting the most vigorous stems.

It is a lowcost, scalable, farmermanaged technique that counteracts fertility loss, soil. The case for farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr in. This method of restoring degraded lands to regain their health and productivity is known as farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr. It involves the systematic regeneration and management of trees and shrubs from. Iucn is supporting farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr to implementing forest landscape restoration flr in three districts in the aswa catchment area in northern uganda lira, otuke and alebtong. It is a lowcost, scalable, farmer managed technique that counteracts fertility loss, soil. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a rapid, low cost and. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr forum home.

Fmnr is based on encouraging the systematic regrowth of existing trees or selfsown seeds. Overview of research on farmer managed natural regeneration. Farmermanaged natural regeneration fmnr is an approach to arable land restoration and reforestation that seeks to reconcile sustained food production, conservation of soils, and protection of biodiversity. Farmer managed natural regeneration united nations. Farmermanaged natural regeneration wikipedia republished. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a method of restoring degraded environments to health and productivity. In practising fmnr the farmer selects the stumps she wants to leave and decides how many shoots are wanted per stump. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr is a lowcost, simple, sustainable land regeneration practice. Land degradation and farmer managed natural regeneration in kenya. Notice that this farmer has also begun leaving crop residues. Farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr ecumenical. Factsheet global farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr, 1983 in brief fmnr was first developed in niger and is now implemented in at least 24 countries. The present study aims at 1 assessing how the existing local formal and informal institutions affect farmer managed natural regeneration fmnr practices and, 2 evaluating the benefits of such practices on livelihoods.

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